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Yearly Archives: 2017
Webinars with the University of Michigan
On Monday, February 20, 2017, at 18.00, the first international seminar in 2017 in the mode of videoconferencing between St. Petersburg State University and the University of Michigan (USA) was held.
It should be mantioned that the first seminar in this format, which also became the first experience of holding of this kind of events in the history of St. Petersburg State University, was held on April 18, 2016. Unlike last year, in 2017 a series of webinars is scheduled, which will make up the whole course devoted to the study of Islamic intellectual heritage. The course program includes topics such as speculative theology (Qalam), philosophy (falsafa), legal theory (fiqh), etc. The working language of all webinars will be English, and the moderators of the classes will be staff members of the Scientific Laboratory for Analysis and Modeling of Social Processes under the guidance of Professor of Islamic Studies of the Department Middle East Studies at the University of Michigan, Laboratory Director Alexander D. Knysh.