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Humanitarians participate in the Congress WORLDCOMP 2014: New Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Research

From 21 to 24 July Las Vegas (Nevada, USA) hosted another World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP 2014.

Our colleagues, Professor O. Redkin and O. Bernikova passed competitive selection and for the fourth time were invited to participate in the Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI 2014), which is one of 22 conferences organized in the framework of the Congress.

Head of the Laboratory of analysis and modeling of social processes SPSU Alexander Knysh tells about the conflict in Syria and Iraq


Islam in Public Sphere

On Wednesday, June 25, the Laboratory organized another regular methodological workshop at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies. At the beginning of the workshop Alexander Knysh, head of the Laboratory made a presentation “Islam in Public Sphere: Manifestations and Contestations”. Senior teacher of the Department of the Philosophy and Culture of the Orient Anna Matochkina presented a report titled «Transformation of the Public Sphere in today’s Arab World». (more…)

«Islam and How to Approach It: A Profusion of Methodologies»

On Wednesday, June 11, Alexander Knysh, head of the Laboratory of Analysis and Modeling of Social Processes conducted a methodological workshop at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies. Entitled «Islam and How to Approach It: A Profusion of Methodologies», the  presentation and subsequent discussion were conducted  in English. The workshop was attended by teachers and students of the Faculty of Asian and African Studies, the Institute of Philosophy and the Faculty of International Relations. (more…)

Young Arabists Conference

Alexander Knysh, the head of the Laboratory of Analysis and Modeling of Social Processes visited the Young Arabists Conference. The event was held at  the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Russian Academy of Science)from 29 to 30 May. For more information click the link below: http://orientalstudies.ru/rus/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3740&Itemid=48

Laboratory members received a patent for invention

Laboratory members received a patent for development and creation of the computer software program.  Certificate of state registration number № 2013661320 “Software OCR visual text information in Arabic”

Head of the Laboratory, Professor Alexander Knysh received a grant of EURIAS

Head of the Laboratory of analysis and modeling of social processes at the State St-Petersburg University, Professor of the Michigan University Alexander Knysh received a grant from EURIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Studies). In terms of this grant A.Knysh will carry out the research project “Sufism in Modern Times” in Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. For more information click the link below http://www.2015-2016.eurias-fp.eu/fellows/alexander-knysh

Professor Alexander Knysh took part in Open Society Foundation Seminar

Professor Alexander Knysh, the Head of the Laboratory, took part in the seminar “Islam in the Public Sphere: Manifestations and Contestations”, held in Bodrum (Turkey) in May, 2 – 7, 2014. The event was organized within the “Regional Seminars for Excellence in Teaching” program by the Open Society Foundation.



Soon to be published

The study “Sufi Commentary: Formative and Later Periods” by the Head of the Laboratory Alexander Knysh will be published in the fundamental work on Qur’anic Studies “The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies”.

Another work of Professor Alexander Knysh “Between Europe and the East: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Imperial Russia” will be published in the “Essays on Soviet Orientology” (Ed. by Michael Kemper, Vladimir Bobrovnikov and Masha Kirasirova, Routledge, London and New York, 2015).

The Day of the Arabic Language

On April 25, a traditional Arabic Language Party was held at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies in St Petersburg State University. The program included a stage performances, quizzes, poetry readings, Arabic songs and dances. At this event second year students showed the second episode of the film “Hamlet” in Arabic, which was directed by Olga Bernikova. (The film can be viewed by clicking on this link http://youtu.be/9mjIW9AjXLU). Our young researchers, Vladimir Rozov and Oleg Sokolov, students of the 4th year of study took a very active part in the party. The Dean of the Faculty of Asian and African Studies Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky was among the guests of honor. The evening was supported by the Head of the Arabic Philology Department of, Deputy Head of the Laboratory Oleg Redkin.